Our Large Brick Stables 14’ x 13’ are in either traditional or American Barn style - all have outside windows so the horse can have its head out of the window with views over the gardens and paddocks and all stables are fitted with automatic water drinkers. Both stable blocks are off a concrete yard and walkways; the stables form a courtyard in front of the house which enables us to keep an eye on things day and night. For additional security, Dusk 'til Dawn Security Lighting is installed in the stable yard.
Separate Alarmed Tack Room, Rug Room, Feed Room
We have a well equipped and heated tack and rug room, with security alarm system installed.
Tea and Coffee Making facilities are provided free of charge.
Horse Washing Facilities
With heated shower available to enable that special finish desired for the show ring or after a hard days hunting.
Olympic Size Menage
We have recently upgraded the surface of our Olympic size Arena . . .
Our 20m x 40m Turffloat™, Equisilicasand and Hydrogel™ provides an excellent working surface. (for details http://www.equestriandirectltd.co.uk/index.php?page=testimonials)
... and has floodlights for those dark winter evenings.
We have a full course of show jumps and fillers (not all shown here) including a working hunter course. In the summer months we also have a jumping schooling field subject to weather conditions.
New All Weather Walkways
We are fortunate to have a new woodfibre track which leads to all our winter grazing, and is of particular benefit if the weather is wet for prolonged periods.
Added Benefits also include
Regular visits by:-
Qualified Farrier
McTimony Chiropractor
Horse Dentist
Newmarket Stable Care - weekly collection: rug cleaning and repairs