Triemburg Dobermann Puppies
Dam : Triemburg Serendipity JW & Sire : Ch Lodgehouse Mr Bojangles |
Triemburg Serendipity JW Pedigree & Litter Pedigree |
Triemburg Dobermann Puppies - born 28th April 2008Triemburg Serendipity (Jennie) has the most amazing temperament and personality; she loves everyone she meets and they love her. Triemburg Serendipity's litter of 6 black and rust bitches and 2 black and rust dogs arrived 28 April 2008. The puppies will be vWD Clear by parentage, will be KC Registered, have a 5 Generation Pedigree, Diet Sheet, Worming Certificate, 6 weeks free insurance, Puppy Pack, toys etc. with full breeder support and advice for life. We take much care in rearing our puppies and placing them in permanent caring homes where they make wonderful family members and are also suitable for showing. |
Jennie & Puppies - Day 1 |
Jennie & Puppies - Day 19 |
Jennie's Puppies - Day 19 |
Jennie's Puppies - Day 34 | |
Jennie's Puppies - Day 53 | |